Water Pianism

To wet your appetite...

Below are some samples from the book.  I invite you to share this article with those you think may be interested.  It is my absolute desire to have a significant impact on the world of pianism, not through yet another 'method', since this is far from being a method, but in a way which promotes mental stability both at and away from the piano, in both terms of pianism and not so.

After all, "you play what you think about".

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Why have I posted a video of trickling water in a stream?  The first noteworthy quality of a Water Pianist is that of patience.  So many individuals, pianist or not, are impatient.  Furthermore, they want immediate results; a detrimental trait to possess.  While reading the samples below, consider listening to the video in the background.  At first you may wish to ignore this advice and simply jump into reading what follows.  Indeed, this would therefore be a good place to start on your journey to becoming a Water Pianist; by mastering the art of patience, thus, relaxation.


The Water Pianist understands that what he wishes to achieve already exists within and is not something ‘attained’ through practice, it is instead ‘revealed’ at random moments of sudden awareness. This more natural way of thinking is part of the removal of ego labelling because instead of having a sense of uphill struggle and progress, one is simply travelling without obstacle, just like water.

At no point does water stop to wonder where it is travelling, check how fast it is flowing, consider what its environment looks like, sulk that other water has a nicer view whereas it is currently in darkness. Never does water compare itself to what it interacts with, want to be elsewhere or worry about the size of the pebbles and rocks over which it will surely flow without any hesitation or qualm.

Not once does water use force yet still it exists in a constant state of motion. Most interestingly of all, water is not conscious of a final destination. Indeed, what would it do once it had arrived? Instead, it is perfectly content on its label-less, destination-less journey.

As water, the mind (Self) is in a constant state of motion. Water always follows the path of least resistance and never tries to go faster or slower than is required by its environment. It never questions and is at all moments content with what is happening to it. Of course, by this, it is to be understood that water is ‘being done to’ and is indeed not ‘doing’.

To the Water Pianist, this is interpreted as “Do that which is necessary, when necessary, for as long as necessary” and then move on to that which naturally follows. No label of difficulty or ease is attributed to whatever ‘that’ may be and no complaint is made as to its perceived difficulty, effort or time to complete. Has water ever complained over the height of a waterfall or the length of a mountain stream it travels?

Because labels come from the ego’s need to be in control at all times, conscious thought must be involved. It is a conscious decision to say to oneself, “This is really difficult” or “I enjoy this because it’s very easy to play”. Further, this usually results in avoidance of the perceived difficulties and repetition of the easier components since it satisfies the ego to act as such. What results is staleness in playing because the easy parts are repeated and the difficult parts are never worked on. This is not progress. As can be seen, labels may have a detrimental effect on the pianist.

If the pianist is frustrated or distracted for any one of 10,000 reasons, playing is negatively affected. The five most common reasons of frustration are: impatience, force, comparison, expectation and doubt.

Conscious thought, in any artistic discipline, ruins natural artistic results. Much in the same way as one rides a bike without conscious awareness of balance yet never falls off, the Water Pianist has achieved a sense of ‘playing without playing’, as if observing the hands as a spectator without any conscious involvement in the performance.

Whether performing concert repertoire, improvising or playing privately for personal enjoy, one is strongly advised to spend equal time on that which is currently considered easy and that which is currently considered difficult.

The Water Pianist actively strives to follow the middle way, to avoid excessively ego-satisfying time with easy content and excessively over-stressful time with currently difficult content.


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